Armor, Shields and Damage

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Read this section with the section on Weapon Properties for a fuller understanding of how armor, shields, and specific weapon types interact.

Armor and Shields

Hulls have a base armor value. Additional armor is added to this value.

Shields will take damage and fail before enemy weapons attack your armor.  In a token, the shields overlap. For example, if your fleet has 20 scouts with shields valued at 20 each, you have a pool of 400 shields points that must be destroyed before the armor on any of those ships is damaged--unless your opponent is using torpedoes. Torpedoes damage both shields and armor, taking shield points and armor points from the token with each successful attack.

Shields are at full strength at the start of each battle. This means if you leave a battle one turn and enter a battle the next turn, your shields will be back at full strength. If you have the Regenerating Shields trait then your shields will regenerate 10% of their base value at the start of every round.

If you are using beam weapons and the damage your token can inflict on an enemy's token is more than enough to destroy the enemy token, the remainder is used on additional enemy tokens in the same location, limited only by the number of ships in the attacking token. For example, one token does a total of 1000 dp of beam weapon damage. The primary target is destroyed after taking 500 damage. If there are 10 other tokens at the same location, each consisting of a single ship with 150 dp of armor 3 of them would be destroyed and one would take 33% damage.  If those 10 tokens had been a single token of 10 ships they would have still lost 3 ships but each of the remaining 7 ships would have taken less than 5% damage. If the ships had 100 dp armor and 50 dp shields each, then stacked together the shields would have absorbed all 500dp and no ships would have been lost. No combination of shields and armor would have saved those 3 ships with each ship in a separate token.


Damage is applied as follows: If the damage applied to a token's armor exceeds the remaining armor of one or more of the ships in the token, then those ships are destroyed. Any remaining damage is spread over the ENTIRE token, with the damage being divided up equally among the remaining ships.

A separate damage value is stored for each token in the battle. Stars! stores the percentage of ships in the token that are damaged, along with the percentage of damage to each ship.

Damage is displayed as C @ P%, where C is the count of damaged tokens in a fleet and P is the percentage of damage inflicted. For example, 10@33% says that 10 tokens are one-third damaged.

For the type of damage inflicted by beam weapons and torpedoes, read about Weapons and Battle Devices.